Transition to Prep

Helping Kids Transition to School

Starting school is a big adventure. At Jabiru we love spending time with preppies. We aim to support you and your child in this important year. We help children make friends and get used to the school routine.

We are excited when new children begin to spend some time with us. At Jabiru children can play and relax, make friends and learn. There is lots of fun things to do and yummy food too!

At Jabiru children will meet the Communities for Kids (C4K) fun characters though our activities and Prep Welcome pack.

Prep Welcome Pack

We have created a Prep Welcome pack that is designed to be completed by prep children starting at Jabiru with the support of a Jabiru educator.

The value in doing this together is to support Prep children who are still learning to read, and importantly to get to know each other and strengthen our Educators relationship with new prep children as they work through our booklet together.

  • Successful transition to prep is supported when children build a strong relationship-based attachment to new key educators.
  • Our Educators work one on one or also work with small groups of prep children to support their development of peer-based friendships, making visible the commonalities and connections amongst children’s responses.

Children complete our prep pack over time and in creative ways that reflect their needs.

Educators at times will use a variety of sensory-based methods to complete the activities, for example: children could use playdough to make sculptures of their family; and get children up and moving about on a treasure hunt to find the C4K characters around the room.

Our booklet can also be a useful tool for communication between Jabiru educators, parents and children during prep children’s transition to school.

Need more information? Contact us today. Our friendly team are always happy to help.